Deep Learning Solution for Social Distancing Management on Shop Floor

A technology solution to ensure safety to human behavior.

Social Distancing: The word “Social Distancing” we’re all hearing lately is the new “mantra” from homes to work places. Obviously shop floor employees cannot work from home, so keeping that in mind we recommend doing anything that can help ensure Social Distancing. Our Smart Social Distancing Solution reminds people of safe distances while working.


SeaportAi’s new Smart Social Distancing Management on Shop Floor has helped a large manufacturing company to enable workers to ensure safety in the workplace amid COVID-19 crisis.


This simple solution can help ensure business continuity besides ensuring the health of the workforce.


The technology uses a Smart Management System in which a live video is monitored continuously and each person’s distance to the other nearest person is tracked using deep learning image recognition framework.


Whenever social distancing distance is breached, a trigger is enabled through an alarm in the shop floor. This Smart IoT Framework is helping the manufacturing industry to get back to normal working environment.

Employees on the manufacturing field have enough to think about and they cannot think about social distancing constantly sometimes with their colleagues. Our Social-Distancing Management Solution can automate Social Distancing and alert them if they are too close to their colleagues or some person.